Meet Our Founders...

Theo's Foundation is a family run organisation, and that is exactly what Theo's is all about...whole families! Below you can learn a little about our Founders and why they wanted to create our Foundation and what it means to them.



Theo's Mummy
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

"Losing Theo was the most heart destroying experience I've ever had. I felt as though I couldn't breathe, it was as though my world had stopped but it was continuing for everyone else around us. The level of aftercare that we received was very lacking, and as soon as we had left the hospital it was as though it stopped all together. Each meeting afterwards being made to feel as though our Sons life didn't matter, but it was 'okay with the hospital because the midwife hadn't had a break'. We didn't know where to turn for support and searching online wasn't something we felt able to do in our darkest times of grief, we needed advice and pointing in the direction of where we could access help. 


I felt confused because any online help we found was always aimed at just the Mum's or just for Dad's but never both together (which we felt we needed) and never for the rest of our family who had experienced heartbreak too.


Creating change to the way little lives are cared for is hugely important to me. Seeing the lack of care and empathy, seeing the way that the hospital allowed bad practice to continue, was not acceptable. We knew changes had to be made in maternity care standard practice and also in aftercare.


This is why creating a legacy for Theo and protecting every precious life (where possible) is so important to me. So that when others experience something so heart-breaking they are given the support they need, when they need it and for as long as they need it. I want to ensure that families are protected and that when someone causes harm that action is always taken.


I wanted to create a space where we focus on every loss not just one type of loss. I wanted a space where people felt safe, listened to and included. I want people to feel a sense of community, this is why we continue to work with various charities, support groups and businesses to ensure that we can offer various types of support, so that you don't have to struggle to find them in your darkest moments of grief."


Theo's Daddy
 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

"When we found out that Theo had passed my heart shattered. I didn't see it coming, our healthy, perfect little boy was just days away from his delivery, now he'd gone...It destroyed me. I didn't know what to do to support myself or how to support my wife in a time that I can see had utterly broken her. I saw how little support was given, no advice, nothing! I only managed to find one charity in the early days of grief that was an online support group for Dads. I wasn't sure if I could speak at that point but attended to hear other Men's experiences which was a help to know that some of the emotions I had felt was actually completely natural.


Dad's need to feel heard too, we hurt when something happens to our children but I was expected by the professionals and some people close to us to suck it up and be strong, as though I wasn't allowed to grieve because I had to be the strong one. As much as I will always support Kristina, and she always supports me, you need advice on where you can turn for extra support. You need people that are close to you, to check in regularly. They would say ring us if you need us but in truth, we didn't want to burden them, we would have probably called so many times a day if we did that!


A lot of people seemed to stay away, especially after Theo's funeral, including some family members. Some would tell us it's because they didn't know what to say, but they didn't have to say anything, we just needed people to check in on us and be there to support us.  I felt angry, confused and we felt very alone with our loss, we just didn't know where to turn for help. Kristina and I would be there for each other but we only had each other a lot of the time to bolster each other up, it was like climbing a huge mountain in tandem!


It is important to me to make sure that no other person in any family feels the way we did. To ensure that whole families are supported in whatever type of loss they've experienced. To ensure that families feel safe to express their feelings with help to navigate their grief.  To create a change and safeguard families and little people. "a

Meet Our Trustees...

As we mentioned, Theo's Foundation is a family run organisation, and that is exactly what Theo's is all about...whole families! Below you can learn a little about our Trustees and why they wanted to join our Foundation and what it means to them.


Theo's Nanny
Lead Trustee and Head of Safeguarding

Kristina's Mum was a tremendous source of strength and support during the loss of Theo, witnessing first hand everything that had happened, and having to lend us her strength when she was given no support in losing her first born Grandson. 


"Creating changes to maternity care is hugely important! I saw how little support was given, especially towards the rest of the family. This is why Theo's legacy, his foundation & protecting all precious lives is so important to me. So many areas needing improvement in the way support is given. I want to ensure that whole families are protected where possible, and that a high level of aftercare is given.


I was so excited to meet my Grandson, I had lots of plans with our beautiful boy and for it to be taken due to negligence is something that I cannot get past, there should always be action taken when harm is caused. These lives matter very much and I want all families to have a safe space where they can go to remember their little ones and to feel listened to and heard. 


Theo's Aunty & Godmother

"I'm Kristina's youngest sister, I was so excited about becoming an Aunty for the first time & was honoured to be Theo's Godmother. Throughout the heartbreak of losing my nephew I was given no professional support at all. 


"Baby & Infant loss affects whole families - we all look forward to meeting that little person, we make so many plans & when it is taken away from you, we break too! I saw what happened to my Sister & Brother-in-law, I didn't know what to do to help them, but just knew they needed so much support. This is why Theo's Foundation is so important to me. I want to help create change so that no one has to go through these feelings alone, so that no one ever feels like they were made to feel, like their child didn't matter because they do, so very much! My aim is to ensure that the memory of each precious life is honoured & their legacy continues. I want to ensure that every one in a family that has been affected by the loss of a child is supported when they need it & ensure that the correct care and aftercare is always given for as long as it is needed."

Tina Ross

Close Family Friend  
Trustee & Bereavement Specialist

"I have been a Social Worker for over 20 years. I have worked with parents who have lost their Children/Babies through various reasons including parents who have lost their angel babies. 


I was honoured to have met Theo, to kiss, cuddle & rock him in my arms for over 2 hours when he was born sleeping. I know how long Kristina & Lee had desperately waited for him and the devastation of losing him in such tragic circumstances has had on them and the whole family. Theo had delicate, dark strawberry blonde hair, a perfect button nose, and dinky hands and feet - I couldn’t stop kissing him! I didn’t want Theo and his parents to just be another statistic, because he WAS here, he WAS real & his life MATTERED very much.


Theo may not be here with us now but his legacy will carry on through his foundation set up by his parents.
I am proud to be a trustee of Theo’s Foundation to try and prevent other parents from having an Angel Baby and to ensure they're supported when they need it and for as long as they need it."


©2024 Theo's Foundation. All rights reserved. Images and wording may only be used for purposes that benefit Theo's Foundation

Registered Charity in England and Wales - Charity Number (1209294)


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